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The Mulligan Sports by Josef Andersen

The course is two to three intensive days of theoretical and practical MWM application to sports (MWMS) that should inspire the participants to use MWM principles in a specific sports-related context to maximize the opportunities for care.

Location & Dates

Next Course: Dubai | Dec 6-7, 2024

Course Overview

The course is two to three intensive days of theoretical and practical MWM application to sports (MWMS) that should inspire the participants to use MWM principles in a specific sports-related context to maximize the opportunities for care. This course is based on 20 years of experience in the application of Mulligans' mobilizations with movement in sports-specific contexts and further development of techniques to multiple body regions including the cervical spine, the thoracic spine, ribcage, lumbar spine, pelvis, hip, ankle and more. 

The course focuses mainly on preparing the therapist to identify movement restrictions and functional deficits that commonly hinder athletes from achieving optimal performance levels or limiting sports participation.  Based on the findings of the screening process, the therapist will learn to plan and create simple effective MWMS to assist the athletes at all levels in return to play (RTP) after injuries or to maximize sports performance.  Most sports people will benefit from regular sports physiotherapy and specific exercises, but some get STUCK and may be directly threatened to reduce their activities or even retire from sports at elite and professional levels. These are the ones most likely to benefit from the addition of MWMS into their assessment and management plan for returning to their level of sports participation. They are typically seen after an injury or post-surgery that has limited participation or return to sports for a longer period than usual. 

The content of this course is intended to add new essential components of sports manual therapy as part of the assessment and management of common sports-related injuries. The participants will also explore manual therapy as a key component in assisting the athlete in achieving targeted performance levels. The course is delivered within an up-to-date simple clinical reasoning framework that will enhance the therapist’s accuracy and effectiveness in the assessment and management of the athletes. 

The course is intensive, practical, and packed with original ideas and suggestions that will inspire your reflection and action in clinical practice. The learning experience will allow the participants to immediately apply the new tests and techniques in clinical practice or at the sports venue. 

This course is guaranteed to be one of the most practical and clinically useful courses you have ever experienced. The course requires your engagement, so if you are expecting a how-to-do list and a cookbook recipe this is not a course for you.

In my long experience with sports people, I had so many wow experiences that made my work as a physiotherapist very fulfilling and rewarding; I wish for every sports physiotherapist to learn the methods and to develop a reasoning process that will carry forward optimal care for our sports clients. 

I commonly share some examples of assessment and treatment of sports people on the courses to assist the participants in the learning process.

Course Instructor

Josef M Andersen                                                               

Master of Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy                                                   

University of Melbourne 

University of South Australia

International second opinion clinician 

Member of the Mulligan Concept Teachers Association (MCTA) since 2008

Former European manager MCTA 2012-2017


Josef is one of the most experienced International manual therapy teachers with a specialty in the Mulligan Concept, Sports manual therapy, Headache and concussion, shoulder, and upper limb functional therapy. 

Course Outlines (topics to be covered):

Day one:

9: 30 Introduction to MWM IN SPORTS (MWMS) LECTURE:

The history and development process of MWMS Theoretical background and case presentations 

11:30 THE CERVICAL SPINE Clinical reasoning:

Assessment & Management of the cervical spine in athletes.A proposed clinical reasoning algorithm for assessment and management of the cervical spine and associated symptoms in sports. 

The cervical spine concerning headaches and concussion: Is the neck involved?  Key subjective and objective markers supporting or negating neck involvement, differential diagnosis.  

The upper cervical spine: What physical findings are we looking forThe importance of CTJ in the management of neck disorders including headaches and concussion-and related symptoms. Why is it important?

Palpation of the cervical spine in side-lying. (Demonstration and practice) *.Only on the 3-day course. MWMS for C0-C1, C1-C2, C2-C3 MWMS combined C0/1 & C1/2 Cervicothoracic Junction (CTJ): The BRIDGE technique: A simple approach to normalizing movement at the CTJ. Three parts.

12.30 LUNCH

13:00 THE RIB CAGE Theoretical and clinical background:

The ribcage concerning thoracic, shoulder, and neck movement disorders.Special tests for the movement of the ribcage and the shoulders. Palpation of the ribcage in side-lying and sitting MWMS for the ribcage with breathing and with shoulder movements.MWMS for the ribcage on a Swiss ball, floor exercises. 

Progression to techniques in standing and functional sporting positions. Self-mobilization of the ribcage, home exercises.2:30 THE SHOULDERThe END RANGE PRINCIPLE OF MWMS (ERP).The application of the SPIRAL & SHORT BELTExamples of the clinical applications of shoulder MWMSPractice MWMS for the shoulderPractice ERP, Short belt, and Spiral belt

Day two:


Low back pain in sports and the implications for performance. The involvement of the hip and pelvis in LBP presentations: An algorithm for differential diagnosis of low back pain in sports.  A proposed algorithm for differential clinical diagnosis: Is it the Lumbar spine, Pelvis, or Hip? Other considerations and possibilities!


Functional testing and screening, hip spin test (A quick screening of hip involvement of any lower quadrant presentation)

SLR in Side-lying (SLR in SL)

Pelvic MWMS in SL and its relation to low back pain and hip impingement.

Combined MWMS for the hip and pelvis. Demonstration and practice13:00 MWMS for the knee

Using the belt or powerband to introduce rotation MWMS

Functional variability in sports and adaptation of MWMS to the specifics of the sport.


13.30 Lunch

14.15-14.45 Common clinical issue with the foot and ankle (Lecture)

MWMS for ankle instability in football and fighting sports.MWMS for posterior impingement in jumping sports 

Quick screen and testing, MWMS & Taping

14.45-15.45   Practice MWMS for the ankle.

15.45 Coffee break

Continue with practice, the foot and ankle MWMS

Day three


Introduction to MWMS practice in the GYM

Safety, choice of equipment, choice of techniques, creating techniques, and self-MWMS

Demonstration and practice of MWMS floor exercises including Swiss ball

Demonstration of practice using gym stationary equipment

Using free weights, bars, resistance bands, etc. 

12.30-13.15 Lunch

13.15-13.45 Assignment in groups: create a relevant and effective MWMS for given presentations.

13.50-14.50 Review of group assignments 

14.50-15.00 Final words and QA.  


Participants need to have done Mulligan Upper and Lower quadrant courses to participate in this course.

Please note:

Some of the content is omitted on the 2-day course due to the available timeframe. However, the. The 2-day course includes all the basic and new tests, treatment techniques, and principles of application.

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